HALLO INDONESIA – East Jakarta Mayor Muhammad Anwar, monitored the Covid-19 vaccination services for residents held by PT Cosmax Indonesia on Jalan Raya Ciracas, Ciracas, on Sunday 3 Maret 2022.
The service has been opened since Monday 14 Maret 2022.
According to him, the monitoring was done to ensure the smooth running of vaccinations that serve the first, second, and third or booster doses.
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“I thank and appreciate you (PT Cosmax) who have helped us in accelerating vaccination to curb the spread of Covid-19 in East Jakarta,” he said.
He explained the percentage of people who had been vaccinated with the third dose or booster was 15.3 percent. While the first dose reached 100.3 percent and second dose reached 98.4 percent.
This percentage was already included for the group of children, teenagers, adults to the elderly.
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“We’ll keep accelerating it to boost herd immunity in the public,” he asserted.
Therefore, he once again reminded residents who have not been vaccinated to get vaccinated at the nearest service location.
He added that self-protection by increasing the body’s immunity through vaccination is very important.
Moreover, East Jakarta is the gateway to the Jakarta area which borders Bekasi, Depok, and Bogor.
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“There are 14 entrances to Jakarta via East Jakarta, which has high mobility,” he concluded.***